AFC Leaders Summit 2024 - Conference Themes

Summit Themes


The process

Every great AFC conference follows the same 3 stage development process: discovery, search and programme. It’s a tried and tested method which delivers great results.

1. Discovery - consult with industry leaders and prospective delegates to identify the topics which are keeping them awake at night. We group these up in broad themes.

2. Search – sign up the right subject matter experts (from outside the industry as well as within) who can provide a fresh perspective on the themes – ideally new information delegates haven’t heard before

3. Programme – set the agenda and build storyboards for every session checking back with delegates to make sure we are covering the issues they need to know

At present we are towards the end of the discovery stage. That means there is still time for you to provide your views on the wider topics which are important to your business.

If you haven’t yet sent us your views then email with your thoughts, or request for a zoom/teams call if you prefer to chat it through.

The themes

Confident over the economy? AFC research suggests that the industry expects market conditions to continue as they were in 2024 but with more defaults and a slow reduction of interest rates. Are they right?

What’s keeping the EU regulators awake at night? What are they planning next? AFC research suggests that the challenges include a lack of clarity about green is paralysing some lenders from funding some assets; misalignment of policy at local, country and EU level is another challenge; as is concern over Basel changes. Among the emerging opportunities is the arrival of Scope 4 emissions. What policy makers are thinking about; and what are the commercial implication for lenders.

Go swimming in the data lake! Commercial opportunities, policy considerations from operationalising data usage. What are the opportunities for the industry from a progressive industrialising of data to drive auto and equipment finance decision making. What are the regulatory risks for key areas like credit risk; residual value (particularly around battery value) and when applied to optimising pricing. Where are the best use cases? What are policy makers thinking about the new AI regulation?

Getting charged up about batteries! - upstream opportunities and challenges of funding gigafactories; downstream focus on RVs. How the Battery Regulation will impact lenders; and the implications for new finance models for commercial vehicle batteries and vats;

Emerging dominance of China in auto - where are the partnership opportunities for banks and captives? Will the EU use a stick to keep out overseas competitors? Will they follow the US with internal incentives and subsidies to encourage domestic auto OEMs?

The agenda

Register your interest to attend and we will send you the agenda as soon as its ready. For now take a look at the themes we are planning to focus on.

The output

The leaders summit will follow the unconference structure you tell us you like. We start at 10.30 to give you time to travel to Brussels on the morning of the conference.

1. Opening plenary: features horizon scanning presentations from an economist and a policy maker that will set the scene for our CEO panel discussion to consider the implications for the industry of change

2. Specialist streams on auto and on equipment finance – interviews with subject matter experts to consider how the themes apply to auto finance providers; and separately to equipment finance/ vendor finance providers

3. Roundtables – deep dive interactive sessions in groups of ten. Moderated discussions between participants to share your experience and expertise and learn from your peers.

Don’t forget to plan your stay to include the evening dinner. We’ll finish in time for you to catch your train back home!